Fresh Pasta light

Ingredients of our Home made pasta light (only 2 ingredients)

250 gr natural organic flour (ITALIAN 00 FLOUR) around 7.6 OZ

250 gr semolina  around 7.6 OZ

1 pinch salt

1 tablespoon of extra virgin organic olive oil



Make a mound of flour, add salt and oil in the centre.

At this point, knead the dough on a lightly floured surface with the help of the palm of your hand.

Pull and stretch it until the mixture becomes sufficiently soft, smooth and elastic. It may take 5 to 10 minutes of work. Remember that the more you work the dough more elastic it becomes and therefore this will be easier to work.

Occasionally dust your hands and the working surface  with flour to prevent the dough from sticking.

Let the dough rest covered for 1 hour before using.

It keeps well in the fridge wrapped in plastic.
