Spaghetti Sciuè sciuè
Spaghetti sciuè sciuè
Our daily easy spaghetti …when we don’t now what to cook this is what we do!!!
We love to make our easy almost spaghetti twice per week in summer (not in winter because in Italy we don’t have organic tasty tomatoes in other season..:).
The recipe is easy but very tasty.
Wash organic cherry Italian organic tomatoes from our vegetable garden.
Sauté garlic, basil with stem (if you brake it is better as basil contein a very aromatic oil), some chily if you like.
Add the whole tomatoes as they are (don’t cut).
In a big cooker boil 2 litre of water. Add a spoon of sault when it boil. Add Spaghetti from Gragnano.
In another sauce pan, sautè the bread crams in olive oil, when it change color in dark brown it is ready.
A minute before the time written in the spaghetti box, drain the past and add in to the tomatoes sause and cook one more minute.
We suggest to add 2 spoon of water from the pasta to make the sautè more creamy.
Make he portion in each dishes adding a nice sprinkle of bread crumbs and 2 basil leaf.